Sunday 6 May 2012

The hangover
This movie is possibly one of the funniest movies that I have seen in my entire life. I have seen a bunch of times and it never gets old. The combination of the four actors is amazing would recommend this to anybody who want to get a really good laugh out of a movie. It is a movie that one day you will wake up and start laughing just because u remembered a scene in the movie, or you could be at school in class and start   laughing like a weirdo cause there are parts that u remember randomly. Its that type of movie.
The move is about four friends who go to Doug Billings’s bachelor party in Los Vegas. It is Doug, his friends Phill Wenneck and Doug`s wife`s brother Alan. They party very hard that night and awake the next morning not knowing was Doug is. Following clues form last night journey-from what they can remember anyway- they find out that they were given drugs, Doug got married to a random women, they steal a tiger, trade money for a black guy that these drug dealers claim to say is there Doug, but its only a black guy named Doug. They find Doug and all in time for him to get married.

The Mummy 2
The mummy is an all time favourite of mine, it was the first actually war/action movie that I ever watched, so this goes way back. I think I first watched it when I was about 7 and I have loved ever since. The main reason why I like this movie is because it is so action pact and there is always something going on, on the screen and it is just so exciting.
This movie is about an undead high Egyptian priest named Imhotep who comes back to life and wants to find his former kings mistress named Anck-Su-Namun, but she is dead. The year is 1926 and Everlyne Carnahan and her brother find a very weird and special box. She brings it home and leaves it un watched. As she goes to talk to her husband her son goes and takes a look at it and it opens. He finds a bracelet and puts it on. When he puts that it leads to a series of events to reveal a great ending and an all around great film.

The boy in the striped pyjamas
This movie is a very educative and intimate movie to watch. It first started off as a book from what I know. Like most people I read the book then saw the movie. I was very impressed by how accurate the book to the movie was. Like most good films I found myself becoming much attached to the two main characters.  They draw so much light and life to the story. Everything in this movie has a meaning behind it, there is nothing in here that is not useless to the plot of the movie.
The Boy in The Striped Pyjamas is about two young boys who live in completely different world. One boy named Bruno who is 8 years old moves from Berlin two the country side. This is during world war two which Bruno does know really understand. Bruno’s father is a very high ranked officer in the German army. One day Bruno discovers a large fence with a lot of women, men, children, alike in striped pyjamas. Bruno finds this interesting. He meets another young boy named Shmuel who is on the other side of the fence. Bruno and Shmuel become amazing friends and spend many months talking to each other. One day his parents find out what he has been doing and command him to stop, so Bruno runs of and go on the other side of the fence were shmuel gives him some pyjamas. It all works out to a harthrawbing ending.

The Gladiator
The Gladiator is a fantastically filmed movie. There are not many gladiator movies or roman movies that can compare to this one because it`s not just one very buff very strong guy slashing throats and killing people it has a very good back story that makes want to know more about our Gladiator. I have probably watched this movie about 17 times and 17 times over, I just can’t get enough. It`s just to incredible.
This story is about a man named general Maximus Decimus Meridus who leads the very powerful roman army to a decisive victory against Germanic. Ending a long war. This pleases the emperor who is very close with Maximus. Though the emperor has a son he grants Maximus temporary leadership over Rome. His son envies this and kills his father giving the throne to him. Maximus finds out what he has done and tires to tell but is betrayed by his own soldiers. The son Commodus orders Maximus and his family to be executed, Max escapes, and goes back to his homeland, but to only find his wife and son dead.
After putting them to rest he is found unconscious and awakens is a small village in north Africa. When he gets there he must become a gladiator, being the best he fights his way fight after fight in the arena. Hiding his face buy a mask Commodus –who watches all the fights- still does not know it is Maximus. Finding out that his army is still loyal to him he plots to free the slaves and bring back order to Rome. After having completing that, Maximus dies and joins his family in the heavens. 

Shawshank Redemption
The Shawshank Redemption is a fantastic movie that most people have probably scene. It combines sympathy but anger towards the two actors (Tim Robbins) who plays Andy Dufresne and (Morgan Freeman) who plays Ellis Boyd.
This movie is about a man named Andy Dufresne who is a young banger in 1947. He is accused of killing his wife, but they don’t really have any proof, but they send him to jail anyway. He is sentenced to two life sentences back to back.  He goes to Shawshank state prison. Where he is supposed to spend the rest of his life. When Andy gets to the prison he quickly becomes friends with a man named Ellis Boyd, who is in there for smuggling contraband. Andy has a lot of problems forthcoming at this prison. He gets beaten up regularly by the sisters, which is a gang at the prison. Throughout the movie Andy and Ellis become amazing friends and form a plan to break out of Shawshank prison.
 Shawshank Redemption is a film that you will want to watch over and over again, and that is why it is number 3. 

Thursday 3 May 2012

In my opinion this movie is one of the better movies to come out in 2011. Written and directed by Christopher Nolan, it was a very deep look at very impossible things that he made possible in this movie. It is a movie that makes you think what if I am within a dream with in a dream with in a dream, that could be something cool to put on screen and Christopher Nolan did just that and then some.
Inception, it is about a man named Dom Cobb and his partner that he works with for business Arthur by infiltrating the minds of businessmen to get information about very important things. They do this by getting them to go to sleep and they hook them up to a machine that lets them go into his mind. It s a dream with in a dream. Throughout the movie a series of events happen that gets them and there newly formed team in a heap of trouble.
In my opinion this was a fantastic movie especially of that year. It is a movie that u really has to watch to take in the full thing, but it is all worth it by the end of this amazing movie.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Back to the future
And the #1 best movie of all time (in my opinion) is back to the future the original. In my opinion this is one of the greatest movies of all time because at that time it was one of the most futuristic movies to ever come out. With all the flying cars, hovering skateboards, time travel, it was like nothing the public has ever seen before.
link to the trailer
So this movie is about a teenager named Marty Mcfly. He was just an ordinary teen living in the eighties. Marty has been accidentally sent back to 1955 by a super futuristic car called The DeLorean, a.k.a a time machine. It was invented by a mad scientist called ``doc``. Now when Marty goes back to time he must make sure that is future parents must meat up and fall in love so that Marty would be born. All in all it was and still is a pretty amazing movie; anybody who enjoys sci-fi comedies will love this movie!